About Tech in Ruanda e.V.

Tech in Ruanda e.V. is a German non-profit association dedicated to promoting the Rwandan tech-industry by

  • facilitating capacity building initiatives
  • supporting job creation projects in the IT-sector
  • informing the German public in general and the German tech-scene in particular about developments in the Rwandan IT-ecosystem

To read more about our capacity building and job creation projects, please refer to the page of the German Rwandan Tech Network. We initiated the German Rwandan Tech Network as a way to bring together the partners with whom we implement our projects and to offer a decentralized platform for tech-leaders from Rwanda and Germany to connect and develop cooperation initiatives of their own.

To further our aim of informing the German public about the Rwandan IT-ecosystem we are currently developing a section of this website that will provide an overview of the main companies and initiatives of the Rwandan tech-scene. Furthermore, we are supporting a series of talks and presentations as well as media-articles about the Rwandan IT-ecosystem.